Soil DNA Isolation
Mini Prep
Process up to 300 mg of soil samples
Three purification options:
Lyse'N'Pellet - Direct precipitation without solid phase purification
Lyse'N'Trap - Silica Membrane based spin column purification
Lyse'N'Bind - Silica Membrane coated magnetic beads purification
Midi Prep
Process up to 4 gm of soil samples
- Ideal for low biomass soil samples
- Elute in as little as 50 microliters to concentrate your DNA
- Unique adaptor to concentrate DNA in a mini silica membrane column
- Pre filters included to improve DNA quality
Mini Prep - Lyse′N′Pellet Soil DNA Isolation
Catalog Number Quantity Price
SLDMN-01-10 10 $ 45.00
SLDMN-01-10 50 $ 100.00
SLDMN-01-100 100 $ 190.00
Mini Prep - Lyse′N′Trap Soil DNA Isolation
Catalog Number Quantity Price
SLDMN-02-10 10 $ 45.00
SLDMN-02-10 50 $ 150.00
SLDMN-02-100 100 $ 250.00
Mini Prep - Lyse′N′Bind Soil DNA Isolation
Silica Membrane coated Magnetic Beads based purification
Catalog Number Quantity Price
SLDMN-02-10 10 $ 45.00
SLDMN-02-10 50 $ 150.00
SLDMN-02-100 100 $ 250.00
Midi Prep - Lyse′N′Trap Soil DNA Isolation
Catalog Number Quantity Price
SLDMD-02-20 20 $ 120.00
SLDMD-02-40 50 $ 300.00
Kit Features
High density beads significantly improves homogenization efficiency
Three different bead types {Endure beads (6.2 g/cc), Zirconia beads (5.5 g/cc) and Steel Beads (7.9 g/cc)} in five different sizes with defined proportions
Highly effective against different cell types found in soil samples
Compatible with a variety of homogenizers
Lysis Buffer
Collect and preserve your samples in our Lysis Buffer for up to 7 days at room temperature
Proprietary mix to neutralize humic and fulvic acids, preventing covalent bonding with nucleic acids
Denatures protein and inactivates nucleases
Chemical lysis mediated by a unique combination of detergents and organic salts
Wash Buffer I
Wash Buffer I is a unique formulation that precipitates humic acid and other related compounds on the silica matrices
Prevents co-isolated contaminants from co-eluting with nucleic acids
Avoids the need for extra precipitation steps that could potentially result in loss of nucleic acids.
Silica Membrane Spin Columns
Unique combination of silica membranes and hydrophobic membranes to improve selective binding of nucleic acids
Multiple layers of membranes with optimized pore sizes to clarify lysate
Membrane combination enhances nucleic acid quality
Mini Prep - Lyse′N′Pellet Soil DNA Isolation
To process up to 500 mg of soil samples
Direct precipitate nucleic acids from lysate
Bead tubes with 3 different bead types in 5 different sizes
Use Lysis Buffer to store and transport samples; up to 7 days
No solid phase purification
No need to precipitate proteins and humic acids
Brief Protocol
1. Add up to 500 mg of soil samples in to Bead Tubes and add 1.2 ml of Lysis Buffer. Vortex for about 10 seconds to resuspend the soil mass.
2. Homogenize soil samples either by vortexing for 5 minutes or using a bead beater as per manufacturers’ instructions.
3. Centrifuge Bead Tubes at 7,000 x g for 1 minute and transfer supernatant to a 1.5 ml collection tube.
4. Centrifuge at 10,000 x g for 5 minutes and transfer supernatant to a 2 ml collection tube.
5. Add 1 ml of Bind Buffer and invert at least 10 times.
6. Centrifuge at 10,000 x g for 5 minutes and discard supernatant, making sure to retain the pellet.
7. Wash the pellet in 1 ml of Wash Buffer II. Add 1 ml of Wash Buffer II and invert the tubes gently without disturbing the pellet. Decant the wash buffer gently.
8. Add 500 µl of Wash Buffer I and resuspend the pellet by pipetting up and down. Centrifuge at 10,000 x g for 3 minutes and discard supernatant.
9. Wash pellets with Wash Buffer II. Add 500 µl of Wash Buffer II and invert the tubes gently, at least 5 times. Centrifuge at 10,000 x g for 5 minute. Discard the supernatant.
10. Centrifuge one more time at 10,000 x g for 1 minute to collect the residual Wash Buffer II. Remove the collected Wash Buffer II carefully with disturbing the pellet.
11. Air dry pellets for 10 to 15 minutes at room temperature.
12. Resuspend the pellets in 200 µl of Elution Buffer and centrifuge one more time at 10,000 x g for 1 minute.
13. Depending on your sample type, you may see a pellet, without disturbing the pellet remove the supernatant to a 1.5 ml collection tube.
Mini Prep - Lyse′N′Trap Soil DNA Isolation
To process up to 500 mg of soil samples
Spin Column based protocol
Bead tubes with 3 different bead types in 5 different sizes
Use Lysis Buffer to store and transport samples; up to 7 days
Directly bind nucleic acids to silica membranes
No need to precipitate proteins and humic acids
Brief Protocol
1. Add up to 500 mg of soil samples in to Bead Tubes and add 1200 µl of Lysis Buffer. Vortex for about 10 seconds to resuspend the soil mass.
2. Homogenize soil samples either by vortexing for 5 minutes or using a bead beater as per manufacturers’ instructions.
3. Centrifuge Bead Tubes at 7,000 x g for 1 minute and transfer supernatant to a 1.7 ml collection tube.
4. Centrifuge at 10,000 x g for 5 minutes and transfer supernatant to a 2 ml collection tube.
5. Add 1000 µl of Bind Buffer and mix by inverting at least 10 times.
6. Load the lysate directly on to spin columns and process the entire volume by centrifuging at 10,000 x g for 1 minute.
7. Wash the columns with 500 µl of Wash Buffer I and discard flow through. Repeat this step with Wash Buffer II.
8. Centrifuge the empty spin baskets at 10,000 x g for 1 minute to remove salts.
9. Transfer the empty spin baskets to a new 1.7 ml collection tube and add 50 to 100 µl of Elution Buffer and centrifuge at 10,000 x g for 1 minute.
10. Discard the spin basket and store DNA as per your requirements.
Mini Prep - Lyse′N′Bind Soil DNA Isolation
To process up to 500 mg of soil samples
Silica coated magnetic bead based protocol
Bead tubes with 3 different bead types in 5 different sizes
Use Lysis Buffer to store and transport samples; up to 7 days
Directly bind nucleic acids to magnetic beads
No need to precipitate proteins and humic acids
Brief Protocol
1. Add up to 500 mg of soil samples in to Bead Tubes and add 1200 µl of Lysis Buffer. Vortex for about 10 seconds to resuspend the soil mass.
2. Homogenize soil samples either by vortexing for 5 minutes or using a bead beater as per manufacturers’ instructions.
3. Centrifuge Bead Tubes at 7,000 x g for 1 minute and transfer supernatant to a 1.7 ml collection tube.
4. Centrifuge at 10,000 x g for 5 minutes and transfer supernatant to a 2 ml collection tube.
5. Add 1000 µl of Bind Buffer and mix by inverting at least 10 times.
6. Add 10 µl of Magnetic Bead Solution and invert the tubes at least 10 times. Incubate at room temperature for 5 minutes.
7. Place the tubes on a magnetic separator for about 5 minutes. Without disturbing the magnetic particles, remove the supernatant and discard.
8. Wash the beads with 500µl of Wash Buffer I by pipetting up and down. Place on a separator for 3 minutes and remove and discard as in step # 7.
9. Repeat step # 8 with Wash Buffer II.
10. Place the tubes with magnetic particles on a separator and let wash buffer collect at the bottom. Aspirate the residual buffer at the bottom of the tube without disturbing the magnetic particles.
11. Air dry the magnetic particles at room temperature for about 10 minutes or until dry.
12. Elute in 100 µl of elution buffer. Add elution buffer and pipette up down disturbing the clumped magnetic particles until a uniform suspension is obtained. Incubate at room temperature for 3 minutes and place tubes on a separator to remove eluted DNA.
13. Remove eluted DNA carefully, without disturbing the clumped magnetic particles.
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