Steel Beads

3.1 mm Steel Beads

4.7 mm Steel Beads

5.5 mm Steel Beads
Round stainless steel beads with a density of 7.8 g/cc
High density makes it extremely efficient in lysing tough biological tissues
Available in different sizes
Beads are washed and sterilized
Conveniently dispensed into 50 and 100 gm quantities
Ideal for protein isolation from mammalian cells
Custom filling in 2 ml, 10 ml and 15 ml tubes available
Chemical Composition: Chromium - 18-20%; Carbon - 0.7-0.8%; Silicon - 1%; Mn - 1%; P - 0.04%; S - 0.03%
Specific Density: 7.8 gm/cm3
Tensile Strength: 100,000 - 180,000 psi
Crushing Strength: > 1000 lbs (2.0 mm)
Size Range: 3.1 mm - 5.5 mm
Color: Metallic White
Bead Size Catalog # Quantity Price
3.1 mm SB-01-50 50 mg $22.00
SB-01-100 100 mg $ 40.00
Bead Size Catalog # Quantity Price
4.7 mm SB-02-50 50 mg $ 22.00
SB-02-100 100 mg $ 40.00
Bead Size Catalog # Quantity Price
5.5 mm SB-03-50 50 mg $ 22.00
SB-03-100 100 mg $ 40.00